Eric Maryniak - Vacation checklist (Dutch / Nederlands) - Nostalgie

This is the Dutch version of my nostalgic vacation checklist.
There is also a "Vacation checklist (English / Engels) - Nostalgia".

>>> For travels in the present...
>>> use the => up-to-date Vacation checklist (Dutch / Nederlands) ;-)

So, this a nostalgic vacation checklist dating from the 1990s.
Therefore, a lot of the information below may be outdated or just plainly wrong!
With that warning sign noted, enjoy...

This vacation checklist is meant to be as general as possible (better too much than sorry).
There is a small emphasis on backpacking in the tropics.

While not strictly related, my "Verhuis checklist" (Move house checklist) may also come in handy (available in Dutch only).

Please don't hesitate to mail additions to this list to me!
And yes, I know there is such a beastie called a table, but I like to keep my pages as standard and minimalist as possible ("standard" being 2.0 and only 3.2 thingies like background and such). You'll be surprised at the number of pre 2.7 Lynx and Netscape pre 4 users passing by on the web servers I've maintained the last five years.

These phone numbers from the Netherlands may be handy (Dutch); always verify if they are up-to-date prior to your journey:

o  ANWB Alarmcentrale                   o  Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
   tel: (088) 269 28 88 (in NL)            tel: +31 70 3486486
   tel: +31 70 3141414  (to NL)

o  Eurocheques, bankpassen, Chipknip    o  Giropassen, Postbankcards, Chipper
   tel: (0800) 0313                        tel: +31 58 2126000

o  Credit cards                         o  Travellers cheques
   Am. Express: +31 20 5048666             Am. Express: (0800) 022 01 00
   Diners Club: +31 20 5573407             Thomas Cook: (0800) 022 86 30
   Visa       : +31 20 6600611             Visa       : (0800) 022 54 84
   Euro/Master: +31 20 2835555

International phone numbers (Dutch, a very subjective list ;-)
For an up-to-date list, see - Landnummer.
Calling To the Netherlands (NL=31) from a country, and
calling From the Netherlands to a country:

Country                To NL    From NL
-------------------    -----    -------
Amerika                01131    001
Antillen               0031     00599
Aruba                  0031     00297
Bonaire                0031     00599
Canada                 01131    001
Costa Rica             0031     00506
Curacao                0031     00599
Duitsland              0031     0049
Egypte                 0031     0020
Engeland               0031     0044
Finland                0031     00358
Frankrijk              0031     0033
Gambia                 0031     00220
Griekenland            0031     0030
Groot-Brittanie        0031     0044
Ierland                0031     00353
Ierse Republiek        0031     00353
India                  0031     0091
Italie                 0031     0039
Noorwegen              0031     0047
Oostenrijk             0031     0043
Polen                  0031     0048
Portugal               0031     00351
Schotland              0031     0044
Spanje                 0031     0034
Verenigd Koninkrijk    0031     0044
Verenigde Staten       01131    001
Zweden                 00931    0046
Zwitserland            0031     0041

Other checklists on internet:

 There's no page like home page.

Page last modified on 2024-04-24, by Eric Maryniak (